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First Coaching Session With a New Client

Your First Session With a New Client

New clients are excited to being their journey to health, and as a member of the Weight Loz team, you’ll be helping your clients keep accountable & taking progress towards their new goals.

The steps you will need take in your first session with a client is outlined in the initial consult procedure in the Dietflex training modules.

Weight Loz Coaching Steps

In addition to the Dietflex initial consult procedure, please follow the additional Weight Loz steps to give your client the best Lozified service.

  • After you get your calendar booking you need to check for the Health History Form & make sure it is completed.
  • Go through the Health History form at during your first meeting with the client.  Confirm that no doctor intervention is required per Health Screening. Follow initial consult procedure as per Dietflex training modules.
    • If doctor consultation is required (These questions can be identified with a D ), an email needs to be sent to Loz about this client, so that she can chat with the doctor
  • Work through the planning your success form with your client, as per the Dietflex coaching resources. 
  • Double-check that your clients have their Dietflex resources & documentation.  If their hard copies are delayed, sign the clients up to the digital versions of these documents:
  • Once a session is complete, book weekly check-ins for the client through Timely by setting up a recurring appointment for a total of 12 occurrences.