Accountability … Why Having a Coach is Key

The best athletes in the world could not achieve their big, lofty, sporting goals without a professional coach, right?
Similarly, the under eight team at your local football club wouldn’t know how to pass the ball or run a play without their coach.
Your personal trainer … yep, a coach. Need help moving your life forward? You can find a life coach for that.
CEOs have coaches. Business owners have coaches. Motivational speakers have coaches. Even coaches have coaches!
So, what is a coach?
A coach is someone who provides guidance to a client on their goals and helps them reach their full potential. They are your accountability partner in life, and you can find a coach to help you achieve pretty much anything.
A coach will stand in your corner, to show you what you are capable of, and keep you focused on achieving just that.
And coaching doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits-all approach. You might have one-on-one coaching appointments or group coaching sessions. You might prefer to meet online rather than in real life. Coaches are always flexible as their primary goal is to get the best out of you, on your terms.
Coaching is a method of achieving set goals. A coach, through dialogue, helps their client to correctly set a goal, to find the best way to achieve the goal, and reveal the hidden inner potential in a person.
At Loz Life, we have a team of experienced coaches committed to helping our clients achieve their goals, from losing weight to getting physically fit and healthy.
Sure, you could do it yourself, but research shows that you have a far greater chance of achieving your goals with a coach in your corner. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Getting started is generally not the problem. That’s the easy bit.
Staying motivated and focused is the challenge. And that’s where your coach (aka your accountability partner) really helps.
Without someone holding you accountable, it’s too easy to backslide, or quit altogether. A coach will keep you honest with yourself and focused on your goals.
Life can indeed be tough. Sometimes we are so close to our challenges and struggles we can’t see the forest for the trees.
And when we slip up, it’s all too easy to feel lost and beat ourselves up for our failures. Our emotions can muddy the waters, and before we know it, we’re completely offtrack. Our goals are but a distant memory, and we are back to where we started.
A coach will see your situation from the outside, without the emotion, and will offer perspective and all kinds of reasons to stay motivated. They will remind you why you set these goals in the first place, hold you accountable, help you to remove the distractions, and celebrate the small victories along the way.
As a coach myself, I absolutely love working with my clients to unlock their full potential. Seeing someone achieve their goals is the greatest buzz ever.
Oh, and if you’re wondering if I have a coach? Yes, I do. Several, actually! They help me achieve my goals across all areas of my life.
If you have been struggling to stay focused on your weight and health goals, the Loz Life coaching team can assist. Our Fit, Full and Fabulous monthly program might be just what you need, with accountability at its core.
Visit for more information.