How to Exercise for Better Health


  1. 1. Why movement matters
  2. 2. Physical benefits of exercise
  3. 3. Mental benefits of exercise
  4. 4. How to get started

Moving our bodies is one of the fundamental joys of life. It fuels our bodies with feel-good hormones, strength, energy and wellness. So why is it that when the word ‘exercise’ is mentioned, so many of us run for the hills?

Whether you already have a workout routine you love or you’ve been sitting on your ass more than moving it lately, taking your daily movement to the next level can feel far too hard.

BUT the reality is that if you want to achieve wellness in life, movement is absolutely essential! That is why Movement is the fourth pillar in the Loz Life Healthy Habit Hierarchy.

1. Why movement matters

If you’re working on transforming your life, you’ll know that you have to change things up. You can’t do the things you’ve always done. You have to push harder and stretch yourself to reach new ground. This can make you feel like there’s nothing more in the tank, so it can be tempting to skip your workout.


Burning energy on a regular workout is one of the best ways to breed more energy, which has the power to transform your performance in all areas of your life.

Exercising regularly also has a whole range of other health benefits that are absolutely worth the sweat.

2. Physical benefits of exercise

Regular movement has a heap of physical benefits, such as:

  • Weight-loss 

We all know that exercise is an essential part of any weight loss program, helping you improve your body composition by developing muscle. This helps you burn more fat, look sleeker and stronger, and support your body better.

To learn more about how the five pillars of the Healthy Habit Hierarchy work together to get you lose weight, check out my book, The Healthy Habit Handbook.

  • Disease prevention and management

Being active reduces your risk of a whole range of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers.

This is because moving your body regularly helps you keep control over some key health parameters that can impact your risk of future illness, like your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

And even if you’ve already been diagnosed with a disease, regular movement can often help manage symptoms and help you recover. In this case, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor for recommendations that fit your situation.

  • Bone health

Regular exercise can help you develop good bone mass before you turn 30. This plays a very important role in preventing the development of osteoporosis later in life.

After you turn 30, exercise still plays a really important role in supporting your bone health and keeping your body strong and well-balanced, which helps prevent falls.

  • Mobility

No matter what age or size you are, developing good physical fitness will help keep you as mobile as possible, making everyday tasks easier.

And if you have your eyes on those mountain peaks, developing excellent mobility is going to be key to you reaching those big goals too!

  • Strength

While you may or may not be aiming to be super strong, we’d all prefer to be strong enough to do our daily tasks with ease. And if you happen to have things on your bucket list that are a bit more demanding, it can help motivate you to stay strong.

Plus, it’s always good to know you can take care of yourself in a dodgy situation!

  • Pain management

Physical activity has been shown to help people cope with pain, so it’s a great idea to talk to your doctor about the type of activities you can get started on as soon as possible.

Keeping mobile despite pain has also been shown to improve recovery times and outcomes, because exercise stimulates healing in the body.

3. Mental benefits of exercise

Exercise is also really important for good mental health, with beneficially impacts on:

  • Management of depression

Regular exercise releases mood-boosting hormones that can help reduce symptoms of depression. Studies have even shown that exercise can be as effective as an antidepressant in some cases.

That said, if you’re thinking of changing or reducing your medication, it’s really important that you do this under the guidance of your doctor.

  • Self-esteem and self-confidence

Sticking to a regular workout schedule can help you feel better about yourself and increase your confidence.

This happens because you’ll notice positive improvements physically (such as better muscle tone, clearer skin, etc.) and because you’ll be able to hold yourself better (improving posture through better muscle support). You’ll also feel more competent and know that you can achieve your goals.

  • Social interaction

Joining a gym, fitness class, online fitness community or event can be a great way to make new friends that are also working on making positive changes in life. I’ve seen some amazing friendships blossom at my fitness classes, so come along sometime to become part of a great community of motivated people just like you.

Getting active as a family can also be a really great way to bond while setting a good example for your children, improving family health and having fun at the same time!

Group activities also help your kids meet new friends who also like to get out there doing active things – a great way to help them ditch the screens for a few hours!

  • Relaxation and sleep

 Enjoying your free time and getting enough sleep are both crucial aspects of goal attainment, wellness, weight loss and happiness in life.

Our bodies were made to move, so when we spend the whole day sitting in a chair, our body craves movement. This makes it hard for us to ever really relax or settle into deep sleep.

Regular movement helps you relax and sleep more restfully, while decreasing the likelihood of sleep disturbances (such as sleep apnoea).

So if you want to sleep better or enjoy relaxing more, get moving!

  • FUN!

 Take some time to think about the type of movement you really enjoy and then plan an exercise schedule filled with those activities!

Think hiking, kayaking, dancing, diving, archery, or whatever floats your boat.

Plan your movement right, and it can inject a major dose of fun into your life!

4. How to get started

If you’ve enjoyed finding out about all the awesome ways exercise can help your body and mind, and you’re excited to get started, there’s no better time than right now!

Check with your doctor if it’s been ages since you moved much, or if you have any illnesses or injuries, and get then jump in as soon as can.

Think about the benefits of exercise that mean the most to you and the type of activities that will help you achieve those benefits. Factor in your lifestyle, and some FUN and you’re on your way.

And if you’re inspired by the chance to really smash some goals, make new friends and have fun while getting fit, join my exciting and inspirational 6-week weight-loss challenge.  You’ll learn everything you need to achieve great results and be part of a supportive community of people just like you. Spots are limited so grab yours today!