My Best Kept Secret

Wanna know my SECRET to living your best life yet? It’s pretty simple: just be Y O U!

Over the years, I’ve hated upon myself like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve been on some pretty epic adventures – I’ve visited historic places around the world and literally climbed mountains – but none of that made me hate myself any less. Looking back, I didn’t really appreciate how important these opportunities to travel and grow were and kind of took them for granted. Life changing – yes – but pivotal? No. Pivotal moments are all in your mind.

Ultimately, my current position in life – one where I experience abundance every. single. day. – has come from my ability to shift my mindset to realise that opportunities to feel amazing and learn deeply about who you are and where you’re travelling next exist in every moment.

Your biggest transformation is actually happening right now – you just have to tap into the moment and realise that it is only RIGHT NOW that you can make it happen.

I love that my new-found understanding of how life really works has rubbed off on so many people, including my gorgeous husband. We now share a new-found lust for life and pay it forward to everyone we meet individually or collectively. We are living proof that you can actually achieve ANYTHING if you put your mind to it. When you feel aligned on the inside, the outside radiance will naturally flow and you will LOOK and FEEL your very best.

As vain as it may sound, a personal goal of mine this year, amongst many others (which I’ve smashed), was to share my story with a wider audience. Not only did my story of transformation make the cover of a magazine, but my husband did too and this, in itself, means even more to me, as we have grown and transformed together. Can you believe this guy is 48 AND a grandfather?!

Our mutual goal next year is to just keep evolving, growing and strengthening our individual and collective development to be kick-arse human beings. Simple hey?