Killer Queens

REAL queens fix each others CROWNS.

Behind every SUCCESSFUL woman is a TRIBE of OTHER successful women who have her BACK. A STRONG woman knows she has enough STRENGTH for the journey but a WOMAN of STRENGTH knows it is the JOURNEY that will make her STRONG. Don’t let yourself be DISTRACTED by COMPARISON. Rather, be CAPTIVATED with INSPIRATION to find your PURPOSE.

I am constantly inspired by my peers to do BETTER every single day. My amazing team o coaches and mentors help me stay motivated and keeps me in check when I have brain farts. It is SO IMPORTANT to surround yourself with POSITIVE and LIKE-MINDED people to build your own SUPPORT NETWORK. Find your TRIBE and they will HAVE your BACK and LOVE you BACK!

Shout-out to ALL the women working on LOVING their bodies because that shit is CHALLENGING and I am PROUD of you! Life is WAY too SHORT to be at war with yourself so loving YOURSELF is the GREATEST revolution.

Remember, CONFIDENCE will SUSTAINABLY make you HAPPIER than ANY diet. How can ANYONE see how AMAZING you are if you cannot see it YOURSELF?

It’s time to start WORRYING about LOVING yourself instead of loving the IDEA of OTHER people loving YOU. When YOU believe in YOURSELF, absolutely ANYTHING is POSSIBLE because you know what? Even a KITTEN is a TIGER in her own lair.